The aim of this European Leonardo Da Vinci project is to improve
the quality of workplace training in industries in Europe.

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2.1 Receiving Trainees


The host organisation will meet the trainees on arrival and show the facilities in the local area so that they can easily manage everyday life on their own.

Sometimes, mainly when the trainees are underage, it is advisable that a trainer from the sending organization accompanies the trainees, either at the beginning and/or end of the stay, or even throughout the whole period in the hosting country.


The trainees have to get into the daily routines quickly, since the internship at the company often starts at once. If the host organisation helps the trainees to settle down in the area, many small problems can be avoided.


The trainees and the coordinator of the host organisation will have a look at the apartment together. The coordinator will hand out a map of the area. They can take a walk in the area and show bus stops, restaurants and where to withdraw or exchange money, buy food and bus tickets. It’s important to exchange phone numbers so they can get hold of each other during the internship period.

If a trainer from the sending organization accompanies the trainees, his/her responsibilities would include paying visits to the hosting companies to make sure everything is working according to expectations, dealing with unexpected situations, witnessing and helping with the final evaluation of the internship.