The aim of this European Leonardo Da Vinci project is to improve
the quality of workplace training in industries in Europe.

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2.1 The General Introduction to the Company


It is the first contact of the trainees with their work place. It is generally a formal moment and covers all activities at the arrival of the trainees on the work place.


For the trainees the first impression of the work place and staff is very important. A warm welcome in the work place will help the trainees overcome their initial nervousness.


In order to help the trainees through the orientation period, the supervisor should:

  1. Describe the structure of the company, its principles and philosophy.
  2. Explain the work schedule and the tasks of the different staff members in the team.
  3. Explain the Internship Activity Plan. Distribute a brochure or an organization chart of the company, as well as a practical information document with working hours, necessary phone numbers for the trainees etc. (cf. 1.4).
  4. Explain ”the house rules” and also give these in written form (English or another language).
  5. Give information about safety regulations. Appropriate clothing / safety shoes will be provided etc. If so required, you will have to distribute a Work Place Risk Analysis form.
  6. Check if any documents (Internship Agreements) have to be filled in or signed.
  7. Clarify regulations and how to act in emergency situations (company procedures).
  8. Explain the work procedures and how the supervision will work out in practice (making appointments). Inform the trainees how many formal assessment conversations you are going to have.
  9. Explain and show equipment.

These items are described more detailed in Checklist for the Trainee: Introduction to the Company
When the trainees have no more questions about all this, show the premises: the main building, workshops, changing rooms and facilities for different purposes.
The practical things to be organised may also include possible visits to other work places or units.


The trainees can be really showered with information.. Put information as much as possible on paper: a well-structured document prevents confusion and misunderstanding.

Operating in a foreign language and in a new culture may be very confusing. In the beginning, check if the trainees understand you. The trainees should be urged to ask questions about anything that is not clear. Constant support and encouragement are vital for a positive working relationship.