All coordinators tools
- Work Place Description SVS Sweden
1.5 - Activity Plan - example
1.1 - Matrix of Competences - example
1.1 - Checklist for Welcoming Trainees
2.1 - Checklist for Accompanying Trainers
- Company & Work Place Information
1.5 - Description of the Project
1.1 - Letter of Intent - example
1.1 - Trainee's Application Form
1.3 - Internship Agreement(Catalonia)
1.6 - Trainee's Self Assessment Questionnaire
1.3 - Internship Assessment of the Trainee (Sweden)
3.1 - Internship Logbook & Assessment Form (example Belgium)
2.2 - Assessment Grid for Selection of Trainees
1.4 - Internship Assessment of the Trainee (Belgium)
3.1 - Activity Plan for Self Assessment
1.3 - Trainee's Commitment
1.3 - Internship Activity Plan
1.5 - Budget Estimation
1.6 - Trainee's Folder (example Catalonia)
2.2 - Trainee's Folder (example Belgium/Sweden)
2.2 - Internship Evaluation by the Trainee
3.2 - Company's Certificate
3.3 - Sending Institution's Certificate
- Diploma Supplement Europass
1.1 - Europass CV
1.3 1.5 - Internship Supervisor job Description
2.1 - Introduction to the Company
2.2 - The Introductory Interview
2.2 - Giving Feedback
2.2 - Assessment Conversation
3.1 - Evaluation of the Internship Process
3.2 - Practical arrangements & information - Trainee's Manual
1.7 - Preparation for the workplace - Trainee's Manual
1.7 - Preparation for living in a foreign country - Trainee's Manual
1.7 - Europass Mobility Document