Manual for the internship supervisor
For a successful internship, good coaching on the workplace is needed. Not only the help of the supervisor, but also the reception of the trainees by the working team can make a big difference.
Although the supervisor is not always granted much time for this, he has a very important function in the success of the internships.
Phase 1 - Before the internship period
When the supervisor is able to organize an internship project with challenging contents (degree of autonomy, variation and satisfaction), and able to prepare a good introduction to the company and a smooth start at the work place, it will be a big stimulus for the trainees’ motivation.
Phase 2 - During the internship
The supervisor is not only the contact person in case of problems, but he supports and guides the learning process of the trainees (by giving feedback and demonstrating) and it is his leadership style that will motivate them to increase their competences.
Phase 3 - At the end of / after the internship
The supervisor is the main actor in the process of assessing the trainee’s competences and in evaluating the internship project as a learning process.
4 - Extra´s
There are some extra topics that can be interesting if you want to read something more about your job as a supervisor. They deal with communication, conflict management, leadership styles and body language.
5 - Key competences
The result of good Vocational Education and Training is that trainees can apply knowledge and are ready to use their skills in a work situation and with the right attitude; we call these key competences.